Mapping services event

mapping services, activity flows between the hospitals

Scotland commits to ‘Managed Clinical Networks’ as a means of sustaining and improving local services

The Scottish Management Executive Letter set out the idea of the managed clinical network – neither a woolly construct of loose networks, nor the imposition of hub and spoke, but rather “linked groups of health professionals and organisations from primary, secondary and tertiary care working in a co-ordinated manner, unconstrained…Read More

New NHS: Modern, Dependable

The rationale for PiP’s formation was echoed directly in the new (New) Labour Government’s first policies for the NHS. One year after PiP had formed the White Paper highlighted the unfairness that came with a lack of regional planning and oversight of services and gave a lead to clinicians to…Read More

Founder members agree shared purpose, objectives and a work plan

At the second meeting, a draft ‘terms of reference’ that had been circulated was reviewed. Consultations with colleagues essentially positive, though the term ‘Partnership’ was preferred to ‘Consortium’ which had been used in the draft paper. The statement of purpose and objectives for the Partnership were agreed. These have remained…Read More

The first pow wow

Twenty representatives – clinicians and managers – of 9 hospitals took part in the first meeting. Dr Andy Coe described the experience of joint working among services around the Walsgrave Hospital and Alice Casey then asked Steve Cropper to facilitate the ensuing discussion see Meeting Agenda for the three questions…Read More

An invitation

Dr Andy Spencer, Clinical Director of Child Health at the North Staffs Hospitals sent out an invitation to to discuss “opportunities for developing greater collaborative links” between provider of paediatrics in the area. A full copy of the letter can be accessed here. Behind the letter was some history. By…Read More

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